- The journal publishes papers that have not previously been submitted for publication elsewhere.
- Full papers, case reports, and short communications will be considered for publication.
- Papers are reviewed and only those results of novel, timely, significant research that meets high standards of scientific merit and relevance to the Journal’s scope are accepted for publication.
- The final decision about the acceptance of contributions rests with the Editorial Committee of the Current Medical Mycology (CMM).
- Neither the editors nor the publisher are responsible for the opinions expressed by contributors.
- We reserve the right to copy-edit accepted manuscripts and put them on our website.
All authors and users can use, reuse and build upon the material published in the journal but only for non-commercial purposes.
Authors should follow the relevant guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals of their institution or national animal welfare committee.
For the sake of transparency in regard to the performance and reporting of clinical trials, we endorse the policy of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors to refuse to publish papers on clinical trial results if the trial was not recorded in a publicly-accessible registry at its outset. The register now available is https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ sponsored by the United States National Library of Medicine, we encourage all potential contributors to register with it. However, in the event that other registers become available, such as http://www.irct.ir/ you will be duly notified.

Consent for publication:
- For all manuscripts that include case details, images, photographs, and/or videos of patients, written informed consent for the publication of these must be obtained from the participants (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 16) and a statement to this effect should appear in the manuscript.
- Permission from a relative should be obtained wherever possible if the patient is deceased. This signed form must be presented to the Editor if requested. The final decision on whether consent to publish is required lies with the Editor.
- Copyright and Open Access Licenses: In 2017 the license is changed from Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) License. All articles will be offered under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) License (http://creativecommons.org/) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided appropriate credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.
